Yes the bag is nice, but way too expensive, had to save money for 4 months to buy it:)What girls do for their bags loooooool Too bad the photos turned out too small, you can't really tell the top is made of real suede on the front. H&M has a great line of suede and leather garments this year. Thanks for the comments. Xoxo Clau
Que mala gira ;)
ResponderEliminarI like the seventies feel of the outfit. Ps thank you for placing me in your bloglinks. I returned the favor now your in mine as well.xo
ResponderEliminarYes the bag is nice, but way too expensive, had to save money for 4 months to buy it:)What girls do for their bags loooooool
ResponderEliminarToo bad the photos turned out too small, you can't really tell the top is made of real suede on the front. H&M has a great line of suede and leather garments this year.
Thanks for the comments.